Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Quick Widget Update...

Well, after a rough takeoff with the server, I finally managed to get the widget download to work. For a little while, if you clicked on the link, it would give you a message stating that you weren't allowed to download it (???), but I got it all cleared up. If you click on the link, it takes you to a webpage that is basically an exact copy of the blog post. And also, very observant people may notice that I'm using a server called "Amusement Park Madness". Don't get too excited... the reason why I did this was because I didn't want to post it on the website that I'm developing and let you guys get a sneak peak before it opens! So, to keep everything secure, you will be using a temporary server. But, don't worry, because I own and manage it, so it's secure. Here's the story.

I stumbled across a blog called "Amusement Park Madness" a few months ago when it was new. In fact, I'm a follower, just under a different username. Anyway, later on I was asked by the administrator to create some type of way to get his information onto the desktops of his readers. Well, since I'm a Mac guy, I told him I would develop a widget for him. Unfortunately, he can't use it, because he's a PC guy, but I tested it and made it work, and eventually released it to the public. But, I wanted it to be listed in Apple's list of Dashboard Widgets, and to do that, the widget had to have a webpage. So, I created one, which is where I'm secretly storing our widget, since I can't put it on our website since it's still under development.

So, now anyone that was confused is up-to-date on what's been going on with that weird website I've been using. And also, don't worry, I'm not cheating on Cedar Central either! I occasionally post things on Amusement Park Madness and update the widget, because they're a "friend blog". Don't worry, you guys get the eye candy on the widget!

Have a nice evening,

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